Thursday, August 11, 2011

Coping with store policy changes

A LOT of stores are changing their couponing policy because of recent controversy involving coupons and deals being abused, and in response to that, The Krazy Coupon Lady wrote a great post about dealing with the changes that stores have been implementing. I think it's a great read for anyone, whether you're new to couponing or an old pro. Keep your head up! Even if a local store has changed their policies, you can still find some great deals. (And hey, while you're over there, let her know M2MD sent you!) -K

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for blogging the link to The Krazy Coupon Lady's article about changes in coupon policy. It's sad that the abuse by some is impacting this service to those of us who behave honestly and responsibly. I appreciate the update on the changes.
